Laundromats are unique icons in the American landscape, often housed in single purpose buildings with flashing facades. I have always had a fondness for them. Forty years ago, I found myself in Billings Montana on a business adventure. My apartment had no washer and dryer. So on a cold Montana day, I found myself in the Family Style laundromat. In walks this beautiful redhead. The same one I had noticed at a business event the night before. Summoning my courage, I introduced myself. Her name was Kathleen. Now forty years later, we are still doing our laundry together. This time though it's in our lovely home near the Catawba River in the Carolinas. Yes, I have a fondness for laundromats. The first laundromat opened in 1934 in Fort Worth, Texas. The industry rapidly grew with the urbanization and increased dense living. At its zenith the industry produced revenues of $5 billion a year. However, in recent years, the destiny of the industry has declined with revenue drop...