

  “Your hands learn to do things it would take you a whole day to write about,” Jessica Stockholder - Play ART 21 Perhaps this is the draw to doing craft. You hands want to express themselves and lead the learning from the experience. I have never been very skilled in the craft area, but still enjoy doing it. It can be frustrating even when you create something of note. Where do you place it, how can you ever photograph it? There is a certain impermanence to it.  Still it’s worth the effort. Sometimes you find an object that urges you to bring forward the beauty. Your hands use tools to make marks. Your memory full of other things you have collected to tie it together. Other times, you might be in an art store and see thread or sticks crying out to be combined with the scraps and tears from other art work.  It all feeds the imagination of the mind. The hands though are what make it all happen. The hands you learn from.


  What possibly could you learn about life from an abstract painter? If the artists name is Amy Sillman, the answer is quite a bit. The very concept of abstract is confusing to many. Abstract art does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of visual reality. Some like the way it springs from nothing. Others dislike it for the same reasons.  Amy Sillman in her video “To Abstract” in Art 21 discusses the process of making abstract paintings. Along the way, she touches on techniques, philosophy, and ways to turn abstract into a successful work of art. Valuable pointers that can help in finding success beyond art in life and business. Stillman notes it’s the “not knowing” that draws one to abstract art. You are alone with the canvas. The skills and tools gained through time your only resources. It tests your very being. You have to trust yourself in this free space. There is no easy route from a to b, you have to discover it. You struggle to move ahead learning that the next step d


  There is certain drama about corners. You never know what’s around the next one. Perhaps this is what adds to their enigma. The word itself surrounded by different meanings ranging from the act of cornering someone to a remote part of the world.  It is our relationship to corners on the street that we encounter the most. Usually these are quick interludes, a fast rounding. Perhaps best when you don’t have all views of the situation. It is rare to see a person occupying a corner, leaning against it or even sitting in a chair. Their positioning key to avoid the constant knocks or interludes of another passerby.  There are rewards for these brave ones. Seeing three sides of the world gives you a feeling of control. It’s an uneasy one though. You still have to be on guard, wary of that the street might throw at you. Still the most successful of these corner sitters can wait for the city to decaffeinate before tackling the day or next corner.. 


We sometimes forget what art really is and what it can do for us.  Recently, much has been written about the photographer Vivian Maier, including a documentary. Still her legacy remain enigmatic. The meaning of her art a mystery. The unique story of her life often eclipsing her accomplishments.  Maier worked her entire life as a nanny in NYC and Chicago in the 1940’s and 50’s. She lived a very private life. Few knew she spent all her spare time wandering city streets with her Rolleiflex taking thousands of rolls of film. Lacking the funds and access to a darkroom, much of her work remained in a locker room only discovered after her death. Boxes of her work were purchased in a blind auction by John Maloof in 2007. Discovering the quality, he has made it a personal effort to exhibit and promote Maier. You can draw many thoughts about her work. Some think it best captures ordinary life, sometimes at the cost of the drama of the street. Others point to the richness of her composition a


  The rideshare industry can provide valuable gig income. Before you choose this path though, there are many things you should consider, not the least of which is insurance coverage. Often debated is whether rideshare gigs really make any bottom line income. The wear and tear on cars can eat profits. Less talked about is the quandary of protecting yourself with the right insurance. To the rideshare industry’s credit, protections for drivers via liability insurance coverage has made good strides. But there are pitfalls and risks that remain.  You will to be sued individually along with the rideshare company in an at fault accident. Especially ones that injure passengers or third parties. Since you are holding yourself out as a professional driver, you will be held to a higher standard than the average driver, increasing your financial risk. Your personal auto insurance does not cover you, it ends when you log into the rideshare company platform. The only protection you have is the rides


  You live your life in places. There is your home, your work and if your fortunate a third place where you can socialize, talk with friends and strangers. Examples of these include coffee shops, bars and libraries. But, as Devika Rao points out in her article “The Unfortunate, ongoing disappearance of third places” they are harder to find and fully enjoy as you did in the past. Blame it on the learned social distancing of the pandemic, the rise of social media, the doom loops of downtowns, and the suburb mentality along with a myriad of other reasons. Rao raises a valuable point, one that affects our well being, enjoyment of life, and peace of mind. Life though continues to spin at an ever increasing, confusing, and frustrating pace. So how do you fill the growing void of third places. Perhaps there is a fourth place that should be added to our life mix. One that is just ours to enjoy, one where we can pause, think, and grow our peace of mind. It could be as simple as a chair and a bo